Monday 18 April 2011

Preperation of the Workshop Space in Fuldanga Village

Generally for making paper from natural fibre,one need a proper workshop space.There are certain basic necessities,chambers to store the dry leaves for soaking in water,earthen woven to boil the soaked leaves with soda,a place for washing the fibre,bowls to sstore the pulp after grinding,Tables for casting the pulp into paper and finally space for drying the paper under proper pressure.So the whole process needs a set up and I wanted to make a proper set up so that it can be used by the communty for future use also.So we chose one side of the Club House of Fuldanga Club.Initially we thought of making a mud house but since theprocess will consume lots of water we decided to go for a little permanent concrete brick flooring and brick chambers and woven.Tables were made from bamboo in the traditional way.It took almost a week and a half to finish the process.The male members of the village joined in to complete the workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Admire what you have done introducing the process to convert bamboo leaves inti paper. Interested to imitate cause there is a lot of bamboo in Indonesia and this skill will augment the local people income.Regards. Gudadi
